A year full of days

What was last year made of? Tremendous challenges, moments of weakness and isolation. Incredible stories of people struggling and those who help others survive. Days that form a timeless chain in which history repeats itself through us who are tied to it. It was a year full of days that disturbed our pre-covid, scheduled, organized... Continue Reading →

Piadina Paradise

My first trip to Pesaro was in March 2019. It's easily reachable by train from Bologna. For me, entering into Italian light from the cold hemisphere of Helsinki was a dream come true. Pesaro is by the sea, and along Rimini, Riccione and Ancona it forms a heaven for those looking for beach life and... Continue Reading →

Sicilian afternoon

There are places that take your heart away instantly. These places stay in your mind and heart and with time they become your own imagined paradises. Whenever you are not there you long for them. You long for something that you realize you have created yourself but nevertheless are convinced that exists. My place seems... Continue Reading →

Home in Rome

Big cities have nicknames. New York is called the Big Apple, Las Vegas is Sin City, and Paris - of course - is the city of love and romance. There is only one Caput Mundi, though. Rome. The Eternal City. It is home of chaos, beauty and tourists. It is also an open-air, walk-in museum.... Continue Reading →

When things go south…

I tried to come up with a nifty line and play with words here so that the title of this post would make sense. Being witty in any other language than your native tongue is doomed to fail. After that badly put introduction (defying all instructions in any Writer's Guide)  I get to the point:... Continue Reading →

Bye Bye Bergen

I write this post in Helsinki, which, meanwhile I was away, had turned into a hot summer city. Now, as the leafs, rain and dusky evenings remind me of the coming darkness I have time to think about my past trip to Norway. Leaving Bergen was hard. Much harder than I had thought. During my... Continue Reading →

Yoga in Bergen

I have practiced ashtanga yoga for some years now. I have a brilliant teacher, who is precise, interested in her students' well-being, and leads with example. She gives good instructions with explanations why and how to do things. In my experience, her teaching method and pedagogical abilities are hard to beat because she develops them... Continue Reading →

The Big Four: 4-fjellsturen

In Africa the hunters go after the big five game. It means the most difficult and dangerous animals to hunt on foot. The same term has been used to refer to tourist safaris, which I think is a much better way of encountering nature. My Big Four "safari" took place a week ago when it... Continue Reading →

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